Internet of Things and industrial automation approach application for beekeeping processes automation

  • Anatolijs Zabasta  , 
  • b Nadezda Kunicina  , 
  • c Kaspars Kondratjevs  , 
  • d Leonids Ribickis  
  • abcd The Institute of Electrical Engineering and Electronics, EEF, The Riga Technical University, Latvia
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Zabasta A., Kunicina N., Kondratjevs K., Ribickis L. (2019). Internet of Things and industrial automation approach application for beekeeping processes automation. Proceedings of the 18th InternationalConference on Modelling and Applied Simulation (MAS 2019), pp. 127-136. DOI:
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In this paper we discuss the Internet of Things (IoT) and industrial systems automation approach application for development a prototype of an autonomous beekeeping system. In this research we focus on one of the Arrowhead Framework core systems named the Event Handler system. MQTT service broker being a part of autonomous beekeeping system demonstrates the services provided by the Event Handler System. The proposed services broker applies a visual data flow programming approach. A Node-RED is used to prove viability and advantages of offered architecture implemented in a local automation cloud of autonomous beekeeping System of Systems. The autonomous beekeeping system’ prototype provides useful data on beehives and bee apiary status (internal and ambient temperature, humidity, weight of the hives, etc.) to the system users, so they can evaluate the hive status and take further action.


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