Workers in the construction manufacturing industry are often exposed to labour-intensive tasks with ergonomic risks such as awkward body posture, forceful exertion, and repetition motion. Due to the increased productivity and increased repetitive motions resulting from improvement initiatives implemented in offsite construction, the investigation of ergonomic risks associated with these changes is needed. In this context, this paper explores an existing panelised floor production line aiming to minimize its ergonomic risks while improving its current productivity rate. Information on human body motion and productivity are extracted from video recordings. The ergonomic risks associated with specific tasks are identified using an existing ergonomic risk assessment tool (i.e., Rapid Entire Body Assessment (REBA)). The information extracted from the simulation model pertaining to ergonomic risks and productivity supports the decisionmaking process and aids in the prioritization of changes to improve the working environment.
Workstation design | Work measurement | Ergonomics | Decision support system | Productivity improvement