Study about the rigor of tightness tests and the existance of an empirical constant to validate theoretical simulations to approximate the real model

  • João Arthur da Cruz Nunes  , 
  • Angelo Roncalli Oliveira Guerra  , 
  • c Kleiber Lima de Bessa  , 
  • d Carlos Magno de Lima 
  • abcdUniversidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil
Cite as
da Cruz Nunes J. A., Roncalli Oliveira Guerra A., Lima de Bessa K., Magno de Lima C. (2019). Study about the rigor of tightness tests and the existance of an empirical constant to validate theoretical simulations to approximate the real model. Proceedings of the 7th International Workshop on Simulation for Energy, Sustainable Development & Environment (SESDE 2019), pp. 15-22. DOI:


Due to the great risk of contamination by leaking in underground fuel storage tanks (UST) of gas stations all over the world, the establishment of effective monitoring methods in this environment is extremely necessary. Among UST monitoring methods the tightness test is one of the most effective ones in identifying leaks, it can be done in two different ways, either wet part test or dry part test. But while both of the tests are permitted, they show a great difference in rigorousness, when it comes to approving or not a tank. This study envisions to deeply explore the causes of the difference of rigorousness between both tests, and discover ways in which simulations can approach the real situation. The research allowed us to identify not only the cause of such difference in rigor, but also to establish a constant that approximates the theory to the real situation.


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