The impact of virtual visualisation: perception and design of spaces in ethnographic projects

  • aJuan Carlos Márquez Cañizares  , 
  • b Juan-Carlos Rojas  
  • abTecnologico de Monterrey, Mexico
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Márquez Cañizares J. C., Rojas J.-C. (2019). The impact of virtual visualisation: perception and design of spaces in ethnographic projects. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Virtual and Augmented Reality in Education (VARE 2019), pp. 36-41. DOI:


The use of VR technology within education is an area that has generated great interest in recent years, so this work follows that trend and contains nuances related to user-centred design education. The objective of this work is to identify students’ perceptions of the use of VR technology for ethnographic research. A group of 20 industrial design students from Tecnologico de Monterrey conducted a field investigation, which included interviews and surveys, using HMD with videos and stereoscopic images of a public park in Monterrey, Mexico. Based on the research and information analysis, areas of opportunity were identified and urban furniture proposals for the public park that place were generated. Once the design process was completed, an evaluation instrument was applied to measure, through statistical analysis, the students' perceptions of their experience using technology in the design process; gender, qualification obtained and the relevance of the technology used was also considered.


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