Agent-based modeling for decision making support: case of transport logistics in oil company

  • Elena Serova 
  • Daniil Shklyaev   
  • a,b Maikop State Technological University, Pervomayskaya st. 191, Maikop, 385000, Russia
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Serova E., Shklyaev D. (2020). Agent-based modeling for decision making support: case of transport logistics in oil company. Proceedings of the 32nd European Modeling & Simulation Symposium (EMSS 2020), pp. 35-40. DOI:


At present the use of modern modeling methods and tools is an essential component of management information systems for a company to succeed in rapidly changing environment. It is important that simulation is considered today as obligatory stage of decision making in oil companies, which use modern information technologies actively. The paper is focused on the description and comparative analysis of system dynamics and agent-based modeling, used for intelligent decision support systems development in transport logistics. The main goal of this research is evaluation of the multi-agent systems role for decision making processes and management information systems development and creating the model of logistics processes (the process of oil products loading and unloading). It also considers the main determinations and notions of the intellectual agent modelling methodology, gives the types of modeling categorization. The work is based on generalization of theoretical researches in this area along with the international practices and domestic experience.


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