Constrained-based discrete-event simulation of an assembly job shop in the offshore wind industry

  • Adolfo Lamas-Rodríguez 
  • Javier Pernas-Álvarez 
  • Inés Taracido-López  
  • Navantia, Ctra. de la Circunvalación s/n, Ferrol, 15403, Spain; Universidade da Coruña and UMI Navantia-UDC, Campus de Esteiro s/n, Ferrol, 15403, Spain.
  • b,c UMI Navantia-UDC, CIT Campus de Esteiro s/n, Ferrol, 15403, Spain
Cite as
Lamas-Rodríguez A., Pernas-Álvarez J., Taracido-López I. (2020). Constrained-based discrete-event simulation of an assembly job shop in the offshore wind industry. Proceedings of the 32nd European Modeling & Simulation Symposium (EMSS 2020), pp. 62-71. DOI:


The problem of assembly job shop scheduling is presented in this paper by means of a manufacturing process of semi-submersible foundations in a constrained-based environment. We developed a 3D discrete event simulation model which considered from resources and spatial restrictions to real schedules and project dates. The model allowed us to implement several proposed dispatching rules in order to validate the current construction strategy. We also performed an optimisation of some parametrised dispatching rules in the search of better schedules, according to pre-defined measures of performance. We eventually found significant reductions concerning the blockages produced in the process, whose avoidance may limit risks and yield profits with a view to project overlapping. The model developed may also be applied to new scenarios of the present case, as well as to future projects with similar construction strategies.


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