Simulation of elements of Industry 4.0 applied to the production processes of a company dedicated to the manufacture of plastic products

  • Armando Moisés Pérez Silva 
  • Veronica Olvera Rodríguez , 
  • Idalia Flores de la Mota  
  • Francisca Irene Soler Anguiano  
  • a,b,c,d  UNAM-México, Av. Universidad 3000, Circuito Exterior S/N Coyoacán, México City, 04510, México
Cite as
Pérez Silva M.A., Olvera Rodríguez V., Flores de la Mota I., Soler Anguiano F.I. (2020). Simulation of elements of Industry 4.0 applied to the production processes of a company dedicated to the manufacture of plastic products. Proceedings of the 32nd European Modeling & Simulation Symposium (EMSS 2020), pp. 84-92. DOI:


In Mexico, micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) are the basis of job creation and an important pillar in the country's economy. However, despite their great importance, they face considerable challenges in terms of innovation and development (R&D), their limited financial resources, the lack of adequate machinery and personnel have made them highly vulnerable to internal and external market factors. On the other hand, at present it seeks to replace the current (linear) economic model with a more sustainable one such as the circular economic model, whose focus on plastics offers a vision where this material never becomes waste, but rather acquires the possibility of be transformed and implemented as raw material. Taking into account the above approaches and contributing to the topic, it was proposed to use a simulation model applied to the case study of a micro-company dedicated to the manufacture of plastic products, the purpose of this model is to provide information to the company to consider the factors that influence their performance and allow them to reduce the costs associated with production and waste. The results of the simulation model supported the company's decision-making regarding its production processes (including elements of the so-called Industry 4.0).


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