Circumferential cracking in conventional metal spinning process

  • Huy Hoan Nguyen 
  • Henri Champliaud 
  • Van Ngan Lê 
  • a,b,c Mechanical Engineering Department, École de Technologie Supérieure, Montréal, Québec, H3C 1K3, Canada
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Nguyen H.H., Champliaud H., Lê V.N. (2020). Circumferential cracking in conventional metal spinning process. Proceedings of the 32nd European Modeling & Simulation Symposium (EMSS 2020), pp. 165-170. DOI:


Circumferential cracking of conventional metal spinning process is investigated by means of finite element simulation using the Generalized Incremental Stress State dependent damage model (GISSMO). This model provides a damage scalar as an indicator to remove elements on where a crack appears. Result show that simulation predictions are in very good agreement with experiment cracking locations. A region around the cracking area deforms in the opposite direction of a roller’s stroke during cracking. This phenomenon is considered as a reason for circumferential cracking at the interaction between a plate and a tailstock. This paper shows a successful damage model to predict circumferential crack and new insights into this defect.


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