Simulation analysis of a new semi-continuous chemical facility with automated production lines: an industrial case study

  • Adrián Marcelo Aguirre ,
  • Daniel Fernández Huerga ,
  • Iris Albajez Celma 
  • a,b,c  ALTRAN INNOVACIÓN S.L.- Altran Industrial Consulting, Parque Empresarial Las Mercedes, C/ Campezo, 1, Edificio 1, Madrid, 28022, Spain
Cite as
Aguirre A.M., Fernández Huerga D., Albajez Celma I. (2020). Simulation analysis of a new semi-continuous chemical facility with automated production lines: an industrial case study. Proceedings of the 32nd European Modeling & Simulation Symposium (EMSS 2020), pp. 186-192. DOI:


This work focuses on a simulation modelling and analysis of a semi-continuous chemical facility with automated production lines. The study aims to find a way to represent the behavior of a whole new chemical facility in order to analyze the feasibility of a given production plan. According to the project needs, a simulation model was created in Simio® by specific ad-hoc objects developed using standard and flow libraries. A final scenario analysis was done in order to determine the feasibility and applicability of a given production plan for different changes in the production capabilities at the new facility.


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