Analysis of obesity epidemic modelling: is there a solution?

  • Maja Atanasijvić-Kunc ,
  • Tina Sentočnik
  • University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Tržaška 25, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
  • Medico dr. Sentočnik, d.o.o., Levčeva ulica 11, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
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Atanasijvić-Kunc M., Sentočnik T. (2020). Analysis of obesity epidemic modelling: is there a solution?. Proceedings of the 32nd European Modeling & Simulation Symposium (EMSS 2020), pp. 201-206. DOI:


Overweight and obesity have reached pandemic extensions. The World Health Organization has recognized obesity being a disease which means it has to be treated and if/when possible also prevented. At first glance the solution of the problem seems to be very simple, however, the rising prevalence of this disease proves that the problem is much more demanding and is connected with all pores of our lives. Through this work we tried to analyze some epidemiological mathematical and/or simulation models related to the problem of obesity and accompanying processes regarding different goals of models’ usage. Of a special importance was the informativeness of modelling results indicating social and/or economic burdens and the efficacy in estimation of the observed problems’ solution(s). It was detected that a great potential have multi-model descriptions which enable for each of the sub-processes and/or sub-steps the presentation of only the most important causal interactions. Efficient and correspondingly evaluated mathematical description incorporating also control activities is still a challenge waiting for a successive practical realization.


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