The synthesis of the control function in optimal tasks as a N-dimensional area using parallel projection on 2D plane

  • Oleg Kofnov ,
  • Boris Sokolov ,
  • Vitaly Ushakov 
  • Saint Petersburg State University of Industrial Technologies and Design, Bolshaya Morskaya street, 18, Saint Petersburg, 191186, Russia
  • b,c St. Petersburg Institute for Informatics and Automation of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 14-th Linia, VI, No. 39, Saint Petersburg, 199178, Russia
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Kofnov O., Sokolov B., Ushakov V. (2020). The synthesis of the control function in optimal tasks as a N-dimensional area using parallel projection on 2D plane. Proceedings of the 32nd European Modeling & Simulation Symposium (EMSS 2020), pp. 262-269. DOI:


Solving problems of multi-criteria decision analysis for Decision Support Systems (DSS) we need to proceed the complex system of N non-linear equations and inequalities which describe the solution feasible region. It means that we have to solve a heavy algebraic problem wasting a lot of computing resources. The best way to get the optimal decision is a describing the algebraic system in geometrical terms for graphical solving. The paper describes possible theoretical and program media for such tasks. The purpose is the synthesis of the optimal control function representation in N-dimensional space using its 2D projections in problems of Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) and Multi-Criteria Decision Making (MCDM).


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