We tackle the problem of developing an automated trading strategy to pro t in the British intraday continuous electricity markets. We must train a feedforward neural network to predict one hour ahead total electricity
transmission system demand. In live testing to ensure no look-ahead bias, we present forecast results with accuracy better than National Grid’s own demand forecasts. We then train a second feedforward neural network,
using our demand forecast as an input to the network, to predict one hour ahead net imbalance volume (NIV), and use this predicted NIV as a trading signal to buy and sell 30-minute electricity contracts. In live
testing, between 09 March and 22 March 2020, the trading algorithm made 599 simulated trades, with 431 trades returning a pro t (an accuracy of 72%). These results demonstrate the potential of neural network driven
automated trading strategies to make signi cant risk-adjusted excess returns (i.e., pro ts) in the intraday electricity markets.
Algorithmic Trading | Energy Trading | Forecasting Imbalance Volume | Intraday Markets | Forecasting Demand