Routing optimization software for electric vehicles applied to charging stations

  • Andrea Pastorelli 
  • Michela Longo 
  • Fabio Borghetti
  • Federica Foiadelli
  • a,b,d Polytechnic of Milan, Dept. of Energy, Via La Masa 34, 20156, Milan, Italy
  • c  Polytechnic of Milan, Dept. of DESIGN, Via Durando 38/A, 20158, Milan, Italy
Cite as
Pastorelli A., Longo M., Borghetti F., Foiadelli F. (2020). Routing optimization software for electric vehicles applied to charging stations. Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Harbor, Maritime and Multimodal Logistic Modeling & Simulation(HMS 2020), pp. 24-30. DOI:


Nowadays, in the field of mobility, there is much talk about the concept of ""Smart Mobility"" and the related increase of the electric vehicle market. The latter, however, the great benefits that can bring, they are experiencing some difficulties in mass diffusion. The aim of this work is to develop and propose a tool that identifies the charging possibilities present along the route by simulating a trip with an electric vehicle in order to evaluate the planning of the charging stations in an area and identify any critical issues. For this reason, this work has on the one hand it is to support the user in planning a trip starting from an origin and destination and on the other it can also be used by public and private subjects (decision makers) to identify the best location of the Charging Stations (CSs) in an area. The proposed analytical model has been automated in a software prototype based on spreadsheet and GIS tools. The case studies have been applied in the Lombardy Region (Italy) in order to verify its validity and consistency.


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