Inland terminals: competitive advantage as a need for new entrants

  • Sonja Maria Russo ,
  • Manfred Gronalt  
  • a,b University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna, Feistmantelstraße 4, Vienna, 1180, Austria
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Russo S.M., Gronalt M. (2020). Inland terminals: competitive advantage as a need for new entrants. Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Harbor, Maritime and Multimodal Logistic Modeling & Simulation(HMS 2020), pp. 52-57. DOI:


The present paper revolves around the question, how a sound expansion and development strategy can support new terminals entering the market. It lists potential favourable competitive conditions of a new player and contrasts them with the drawbacks of competing against a well-established terminal with a strong customer base. It sheds light on the relevance of market penetration of established terminals to ensure their long-term success. A novel contribution of the research is the combination of different methodological analyses, including the phenomena of path dependence and insights gained in innovation diffusion models. We develop a generic stock and flow (system dynamics) model of the competition between two rival terminals and use a terminal’s price sensitivity to reflect its competitive conditions. The results of the sensitivity analysis demonstrated that the higher the initial market share of an existing terminal, the more new entrants are forced to win customers through their innovative demand. Switching costs may additionally drive them out of the market, even if they offer a perfect substitute. The system behaviour shows the system archetype success to the successful, while the attractiveness of the new offer can serve as a leverage point. 


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