Management in the prevention of psychosocial risks in the Technological University of Cotopaxi

  • Rommel Velasteguí 
  • Paúl Pullas 
  • Elizabeth Velasteguí  
  • Isabel Pullas Tapia 
  • a,b,c Universidad Técnica de Ambato, Av. Chasquis and Rio Payamino, Ambato, 180103, Ecuador
  • Universidad Católica del Ecuador, Av. 12 de October 1076, Quito, 170143, Ecuador
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Velasteguí R., Pullas P., Velastegui E., Pullas Tapia I. (2020). Management in the prevention of psychosocial risks in the Technological University of Cotopaxi. Proceedings of the 9th International Workshop on Innovative Simulation for Healthcare (IWISH 2020), pp. 1-6. DOI:


Risk factors such as work stress, monotony, double presence, excessive workload generate interest towards workers welfare. The academic demand and rigorousness are high for teachers in Ecuadorian universities. The objective of this research is to determine risk factors in teachers. The evaluation methodology applied is based on the Ministry of Labor test, structured in 8 dimensions with 58 questions, the population included 79 teachers from the University of Cotopaxi (Ecuador). The type of study is correlational, the methodology presents the following results: (i) Database; (ii) Results of psychosocial risks and (iii) solution strategies. It is concluded that: distress happens in men and women equally; there is a high risk in "Workload and pace" 51%, "Recovery" 51% and "Workplace harassment" 22%, which result in physical and psychological imbalance, decreasing productivity and generating work distress.


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