Design of a controlled remote hand based on radio frequency protocol

  • Roua Baccouche 
  • Dhafer Mezghanni 
  • 3 beni mtir ,korba,8070 Nabeul,Tunisia
  • Faculty of sciences Tunis,University of Tunis el Manar, 2092 Tunis,TUNISIA
Cite as
Baccouche R., Mezghanni D. (2020). Design of a controlled remote hand based on radio frequency protocol. Proceedings of the 9th International Workshop on Innovative Simulation for Healthcare (IWISH 2020), pp. 31-34. DOI:


Today's technology has increased the interest in robotic systems and increase the number of studies realized in this area. There are many studies on robotic systems in several fields to facilitate human life in the literature. In this study, a robot hand is designed to repeat finger movements depending upon flexible sensors mounted on any wearable glove. It deals with the design and development of a robotic hand with real time control, which is precise and cost-effective. This five fingered robotic arm mimics a small degree of dexterity and could be used for other applications such as prosthesis for leprosy patients. Thanks to the prototype of robotic hand in this study is developed with different materials and mechanisms: The angle data on the sensors and servo motor position information are transmitted through the RF 24L01 wireless module. The determinations related to robot hand control are performed with Arduino card.


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