Handwriting prototype based on FPGA hardware implementation

  • Ichrak Jeridi, 
  • Ines Chihi 
  • Lilia Sidhom, 
  • Ernest Nlandu Kamavuako
  • a,b,c Laboratory of energy applications and renewable energy efficiency, University of Tunis El Manar, Tunisia
  • Centre for Robotics Research, Department of Engineering, Faculty of Natural and Mathematical Sciences, King’s College London
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Jeridi I., Chihi I., Sidhom L., Kamavuako E.N. (2020). Handwriting prototype based on FPGA hardware implementation. Proceedings of the 9th International Workshop on Innovative Simulation for Healthcare (IWISH 2020), pp. 35-40.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.46354/i3m.2020.iwish.007


Handwriting is an important means of communication that can characterize a person and express his academic level, intellectual component, and even the psycho-physical personality of the writer, the temperamental tendencies, and even psychic state. Writing is expressed through motions of the upper limbs and with the availability of different muscle activities, named ElectroMyoGraphy signals (EMG). Forearm EMG driven models can allow reconstruction of individual handwriting. By recovering the coordinates of some shapes generated by a mathematical model allowing the prediction of handwriting on the plane (x, y) from EMG signals, this paper deals with handwriting prototype using hardware implementation based on Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGA) of the bi-axis control algorithm to generate human handwriting manuscript in the plan. The presented bi-axis control law is designed in the Xilinx System Generator environment let generate handwriting shapes and complex cursive letters. Comparative analysis between the hardware implementation results generated by the proposed prototype and the recorded data is then presented to show good concordance between the real and the reconstructed data.


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