Non-invasive online PSi signal acquisition from a patient monitor for depth-of-anesthesia assessment

  • Gorazd Karer  
  • University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Tržaška 25, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
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Karer G. (2020). Non-invasive online PSi signal acquisition from a patient monitor for depth-of-anesthesia assessment. Proceedings of the 9th International Workshop on Innovative Simulation for Healthcare (IWISH 2020), pp. 41-46. DOI:


A proper introduction and dosing of anesthetic agents is essential when performing a diagnostic procedure or surgery in general anesthesia. In modern clinical practice, the depth of anesthesia (DoA) is determined by assessing the relevant clinical signs (iris, sweating, movements), by interpreting hemodynamic measurements and by estimating it from EEG signals. The latter is made possible by several established measurement systems, e.g. Patient State Index (PSi), bispectral (BIS) index, Narcotrend, Scale Entropy and Response Entropy. DoA supervision and control seems a suitable problem to tackle using a closed-loop control approach. In order to implement a closed-loop control system for DoA, one must be able to acquire the relevant signals online and in real-time. However, due to safety reasons, the patient monitors are purposely unable to connect to an external (possibly medically unapproved) device, such as a laptop computer, during the procedure. The paper introduces a non-invasive image-based system for signal acquisition from a patient monitor for online depth-of-anesthesia assessment. The signal acquisition system operates in Matlab-Simulink environment, which can be conveniently used for DoA modelling, simulation and control.


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