Humid air condensation in heat exchanger

  • Jan Barak 
  • Karel Frana 
  • a,b Technical University of Liberec, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Department of Power Engineering Equipment, Studentská 2, Liberec, 461 17, Czech Republic
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Barak J., Frana E. (2020). Humid air condensation in heat exchanger. Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Modeling & Applied Simulation (MAS 2020), pp. 52-59. DOI:


Paper is devoted to humid air condensation in water-air heat exchangers. It presents thermal comfort parameters including dependency on dew point of humid air inside room. Main target is to depict numerical model of humid air condensation with its initial and boundary conditions which was used to determine amount of condensate under constant operating conditions. Paper also mentions experiment designed by authors with same geometry and operating conditions like numerical model. Comparison of results gained by those two independent methods are shown and the most critical points of interest for phase change models are highlighted.


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