Town protection simulation

  • Agostino G. Bruzzone 
  • Kirill Sinelshchikov ,
  • Marina Massei  
  • Massimo Pedemonte
  • a,c SIM4Future, Simulation Team, via Trento 34, 16145, Genova, Italy
  • a,b,c Simulation Team, Genoa University,via Opera Pia 15, 16145 Genova
  • Simulation Team, via Magliotto, 17100, Savona, Italy
Cite as
(a)Bruzzone A.G, (b)Sinelshchikov K., (c)Massei M., (d)Pedemonte M. (2020). Town protection simulation. Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Modeling & Applied Simulation (MAS 2020), pp. 160-165. DOI:


In this paper, the authors propose an innovative simulator devoted to support education and training during a crisis affecting a town, with special attention to pandemics and CBRN (Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear) Threats. The proposed virtual simulator includes agents and it is devoted to provide examples, interactive scenarios and serious game experiences to operators and strategic decision makers in the field of crisis management, addressing such issues as protection of critical infrastructures and city's residents and dealing with riots, aggressive demonstrations and pandemics.


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