Discrete event simulation for the investment analysis of offshore wind nodes automatised workshop

  • Adolfo Lamas‐Rodríguez 
  • Inés Taracido‐López 
  • Javier Pernas‐Álvarez 
  • Navantia, Ctra. de la Circunvalación s/n, Ferrol, 15403, Spain; Universidade da Coruña and UMI Navantia-UDC, Campus de Esteiro s/n, Ferrol, 15403, Spain.
  • UMI Navantia-UDC, CIT Campus de Esteiro s/n, Ferrol, 15403, Spain
  • UMI Navantia-UDC, CIT Campus de Esteiro s/n, Ferrol, 15403, Spain.
Cite as
Lamas‐Rodríguez A., Taracido‐López I., Pernas‐Álvarez J. (2020). Discrete event simulation for the investment analysis of offshore wind nodes automatised workshop. Proceedings of the 8th International Workshop on Simulation for Energy, Sustainable Development & Environment (SESDE 2020), pp. 26-35. DOI: https://doi.org/10.46354/i3m.2020.sesde.004


An innovative use of Discrete Event Simulation (DES) in the optimisation of the investment analysis of a jackets nodes manufacturing process is proposed in this paper. Normally, if we carry out investment analyses by using spreadsheets, it may be difficult to take into account the variability of the process at issue in a dynamic fashion. However, if investment assessment methods are integrated into a discrete event simulator, results become much more realistic because non-economic factors such as production rate and stochastic variables like task times are being directly considered. This paper shows how an investment analysis of a new workshop for jackets nodes robotised welding can be enhanced when implemented in a discrete-event simulator. Eventually, an optimisation of the model is also performed by setting investment analysis parameters as target variables.


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