Enhancing the capacity of data collection tools to detect, prepare and respond to emerging CBRNe threats through engaging with end-users

  • Roberto Mugavero  ,
  • Pietro Costanzo  ,
  • William Thorossian  
  • University of Rome "Tor Vergata", Department of Electronic Engineering – DIE
  • e,b  University of the Republic of San Marino, Center for Security Studies – CUFS
  • a,b,c Observatory on Security and CBRNEe Defense - OSDIFE, Via del Politecnico, 1 - 00133, Rome, Italy
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Mugavero R., Costanzo P., Thorossian W. (2021). Enhancing the capacity of data collection tools to detect, prepare and respond to emerging CBRNEe threats through engaging with end-users. Proceedings of the 11th International Defence and Homeland Security Simulation Worskhop (DHSS 2021), pp. 1-8. DOI: https://doi.org/10.46354/i3m.2021.dhss.001
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An Intelligence Platform for Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear and explosives (CBRNe) Events and Asymmetric Threats has been developed as a pilot prototype to meet the needs of organizations, specialist, experts, professionals from the intelligence, law-enforcement, military, chemical, biological, radiological/nuclear and health domains.
The main goal was to provide a tool able to collect open source information in an asymmetric threats environment, with a focus on CBRNe events and terrorism, and with a pilot focus on COVID-19 related information, and to generate outcomes that can help analysis of trends, threats and intelligence sources, with application across security, academia and health fields.
The developed IT solution is a flexible and innovative instrument offering support to CBRNe risk and Asymmetric threat knowledge management by monitoring a wide range of information sources, using normalized terminologies, based on tuned ontology and able to enhance interaction and communication between different international entities (semantic interoperability). The experimentation aimed to provide a lite tool that can be adopted at different levels, including where less skills and economic resources are available (local units of complex organizations, public administrations in developing Countries, SMEs, ONGs, media).
The activities have been carried out by the Observatory on Security and CBRNe Defence OSDIFE - Italy, in cooperation with the University of Rome “Tor Vergata” - Department of Electronic Engineering - Italy, the State University of the Republic of San Marino - Center for Security Studies, the Flinders University - Australia and Expert AI - Italy.


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