Simulation for Education: Improving Personal Responsiveness in Case of Violent Attack

  • Lukas Kotek  ,
  • Dora Kotkova  
  • a,bTomas Bata University in Zlín, Nad Stráněmi 4511, Zlín, 76005, Czech Republic
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Kotek L., Kotkova D. (2021). Simulation for Education: Improving Personal Responsiveness in Case of Violent Attack. Proceedings of the 11th International Defence and Homeland Security Simulation Worskhop (DHSS 2021), pp. 9-15. DOI:
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This article is focused on our proposal of simulation for education. Our deal was to create a tool that would help people improve their responsiveness in a violent attack. Our research analyses the terrorist attacks and other violent attacks, and we try to find the best possibilities of security measures. In the last years, Soft targets are a huge problem in the area of security and safety. The security measures are limited for protecting the Soft targets, which are the place or event with many people's accumulation and weak security measures against violent attacks. The critical factor is time - time to the reaction of the attacks. So, we want to prepare the people for a possible conflict situation. This article presents our educational platform that people can use for training, education, and improving their ability (quick decision-making, responsiveness, etc.). This article is divided into several parts. We present state of the art, Soft targets – definition, characteristics, statistics of the terrorist attacks. Then we introduce our educational platform, which is based on videos and photos. 


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