A Real-Time Streaming Based VR Scenario Construction Method for the Simulation of Complex Products

  • Yi Lv,
  • Yufen Wu ,
  • Xue Yang,
  • Shuhong Xu
  • a,b,c,d  Beijing Aircraft Technology Research Institute,Comac,Beijing,102211,China
Cite as
Lv Y., Wu Y., Yang X., Xu S. (2021). A Real-Time Streaming Based VR Scenario Construction Method for the Simulation of Complex Products. Proceedings of the 33rd European Modeling & Simulation Symposium (EMSS 2021), pp. 126-130. DOI: https://doi.org/10.46354/i3m.2021.emss.017


During the process of simulation scene construction and visualization, a series of multidisciplinary calculation results are need to be integrated into the same complex products, and all the intricate dates should be update in real time, especially function simulation, which involving the simulation of different instruments and meters. If only one host is used for rendering, it will be taken a lot of time for the large rendering tasks, at the same time, network resources are not used sufficiently. In the paper,a server-client architecture is built through using the object-oriented modular design method, the rendering tasks that the multi-disciplinary’s graphics are set by sever, and all these tasks are obtained by the clients separately, when the rendering task of client is finished and transmit to the sever in real time through video stream to integration,the method can realize the rapid construction of simulation scenarios, and provide technical support for the rapid simulation evaluation of complex products in the early stage of product’s design.


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