Investigation of platforms at railway station switch area with regard to capacity using computer simulation

  • Michael Bažant ,
  • Josef Bulíček
  • University of Pardubice, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, Studentská 95, Pardubice, CZ-532 10, Czech Republic
  • b  University of Pardubice, Faculty of Transport Engineering, Studentská 95, Pardubice, 
    CZ-532 10, Czech Republic
Cite as
Bažant M., Bulíček J. (2021). Investigation of platforms at railway station switch area with regard to capacity using computer simulation. Proceedings of the 33rd European Modeling & Simulation Symposium (EMSS 2021), pp. 192-198. DOI:


Railway stations represent important points in railway infrastructure. In the past, railway stations were in many cases built out of city centres due to various reasons. Nowadays when stations are being reconstructed it is relevant to think about building new railway stops near city centres to make railway transportation more attractive to passengers. This approach also motivates passengers to change their transport mode to railway which is eco-friendly with small side effects to life in city centres (e.g. need to have parking places, accidents etc.). The aim of this article is to assess in general the step of designing and building new stop with platforms outside original railway station with impact on train delays in stochastic conditions, impact on timetable construction and on railway capacity at all using microscopic stochastic simulation model created in the OpenTrack simulation software.


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