Towards a Greener Europe: Analysis of the SeaBubble waterline in Rotterdam

  • Miguel Mujica Mota ,
  • Maurice van der Meche
  • Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences
  • Trans-X
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Mujica Mota M., van der Meche M. (2021). Towards a Greener Europe: Analysis of the SeaBubble waterline in Rotterdam. Proceedings of the 33rd European Modeling & Simulation Symposium (EMSS 2021), pp. 272-280. DOI:


The current work focuses on the performance analysis of a novel vehicles that use the principle of hydro foiling and re-chargeable batteries. These vehicles will emit zero pollution. They will be used for partially replace the operation of Ferries in the waterline of Rotterdam in The Netherlands, bringing as a benefit, a more efficient transport which is greener and cheaper to the government. The authors have done a study based on simulation for analysing the future performance of the waterlines in Rotterdam. The results reveal that the impact will be positively high in all aspects; it will reduce the pollution drastically, it will allow an on-demand service, better service for the passengers and the operational costs will be reduced.


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