Developing a Bridge from GPenSIM to NuSMV for Model Checking

  • Albana Roci ,
  • Reggie Davidrajuh
  • a,b University of Stavanger, Stavanger, Norway
Cite as
Roci A., Davidrajuh R. (2021). Developing a Bridge from GPenSIM to NuSMV for
Model Checking. Proceedings of the 33rd European Modeling & Simulation Symposium (EMSS 2021), pp. 320-326. DOI:


The general-purpose Petri Nets Simulator (GPenSIM) is an extensible, easy to use, and flexible Petri Nets modeling tool. It is used to model, simulate and evaluate the performance of discrete event systems. Nevertheless, GPenSIM does not support the formal verification of the nets. The new symbolic model checker (NuSMV) is a state-of-art model checking tool that automatically examines whether a finite transition system (TS) satisfies the property specification under consideration. This paper introduces an algorithm that implicitly utilizes NuSMV in GPenSIM. The algorithm automatically converts the static safe Petri Nets model generated by GPenSIM to the NuSMV description language.


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