Role of Lean manufacturing tools on economic sustainability in the Mexican manufacturing industry

  • José Roberto Díaz Reza ,
  • Jorge Luis García-Alcaraz,
  • Manuel Arnoldo Rodríguez Medina,
  • Arturo Realyvásquez Vargas,
  • Karina Cecilia Arredondo Soto,
  • Emilio Giménez Macias 
  • a,b,c  Division of Research and Postgraduate Studies, Tecnológico Nacional de México/Instituto Tecnológico de Ciudad Juárez. Av. Tecnológico No. 1340 Fracc. El Crucero C.P. 32500. Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua, México
  • Department of Industrial Engineering and Manufacturing, Autonomous University of Ciudad Juárez. Av. del Charro 450 Norte, Col. Partido Romero, Ciudad Juárez 32310, Chihuahua, México
  • Department of Industrial Engineering, Tecnológico Nacional de México/I.T. Ciudad Juárez. Av. Tecnológico 1340, Fuentes del Valle, 32500, Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua, México
  • Chemical Sciences and Engineering Faculty, Universidad Autónoma de Baja California, Calzada Universidad #14418, Parque Industrial Internacional, Tijuana, 22390, México.
  • Department of Electrical Engineering, University of La Rioja. Luis de Ulloa 20, 26004, Logroño, La Rioja, Spain.
Cite as
Díaz Reza J.R., García-Alcaraz J.L., Rodríguez Medina M.A., Realyvásquez Vargas A., Arredondo Soto K.C., Jiménez Macias E. (2021). Role of Lean manufacturing tools on economic sustainability in the Mexican manufacturing industry. Proceedings of the 33rd European Modeling & Simulation Symposium (EMSS 2021), pp. 365-373. DOI:


Maquiladora companies apply lean manufacturing (LM) to reduce waste generated in their production process. This paper presents a structural equation model in which three LM tools (cellular manufacturing (CM), total productive maintenance (TPM), and just in time (JIT)) are related to economic sustainability (ES) using six hypotheses. The partial least squares technique evaluates the model with 239 responses to a survey applied to Mexican maquiladora companies. Based on this, a sensitivity analysis based on conditional probabilities is reported. The results indicate that CM facilitates the implementation of JIT and TPM and strengthens the ES of the maquiladora companies. The sensitivity analysis suggests that managers should generate an environment conducive to applying CM and TPM, as they are vital tools that facilitate obtaining ES. In addition, low levels of CM, JIT, and TPM are a high risk for achieving ES objectives.


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