Discrete-Event Simulation For Risk Management In The Overlap Of Two Offshore Wind Manufacturing Projects 

  • Adolfo Lamas-Rodríguez,
  • Santiago José Tutor-Roca ,
  • Belén Sañudo-Costoya
  • Navantia, Rúa Taxonera s/n, Ferrol, 15403, Spain; Universidade da Coruña, Campus de Esteiro s/n, Ferrol, 15403, Spain
  • UMI Navantia-UDC, Centro de Investigaciones Tecnológicas (CIT) Campus de Esteiro s/n, Ferrol, 15403, Spain
  • UMI Navantia-UDC, Centro de Investigaciones Tecnológicas (CIT) Campus de Esteiro s/n, Ferrol, 15403, Spain
Cite as
Lamas-Rodríguez A., Tutor-Roca S.J., Sañudo-Costoya B. (2021). Discrete-Event Simulation For Risk Management In The Overlap Of Two Offshore Wind Manufacturing Projects. Proceedings of the 33rd European Modeling & Simulation Symposium (EMSS 2021), pp. 374-383. DOI: https://doi.org/10.46354/i3m.2021.emss.051


An innovative use of Discrete-Event Simulation (DES) is proposed in this paper as a cutting-edge technology for analysing the risk in the possible overlapping of two projects in the field of offshore wind. In this context, we tackle the difficult of identifying and quantifying the impact and probability of the risk in the tendering procedure of a new project. For that purpose, a 3D digital model has been developed to represent in a virtual environment the currently manufacturing process of semi-submersible platforms combined with a new proposal of jackets. Afterwards, we formulated different scenarios according to the level of overlap between the two projects. This way, an equation was implemented as our target profit function to be optimised subject to certain model parameters. Therefore, the simulation model carried out in this study will be able to assess the risks in terms of schedule and costs, considering the variability inherent to stochastics fabrication systems, minimising the impact of the high penalties due to the delays in the delivery milestones. Overall, this work is an evidence how DES gives us an unprecedent advantage in project management, providing with a decision-support tool that allow us to improve process efficiency and maximise our earnings.


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