A Hybrid Multi-Criteria Decision Model (HMCDM) based on AHP and TOPSIS analysis to evaluate Maintenance Strategy

  • Gianpaolo Di Bona 
  • Domenico Falcone,
  • Antonio Forcina,
  • Luca Silvestri,
  • Filippo De Carlo,
  • Mohammad Mahdi Abaei
  • a,b  University of Cassino and Southern Lazio Department of Civil and Mechanical Engineering 03043 Cassino FR, Italy
  • University of Naples “Parthenope” Department of Engineering 80100 Naples, Italy
  • University of Florence Department of Industrial Engineering 50139 Firenze, Italy
  • University “Niccolò Cusano” Department of Engineering 00166 Roma, Italy
  • Delft University of Technology, Department of Maritime and Transport Technology Delft 2628 CD, Netherlands
Cite as
Di Bona G., Falcone D., Forcina A., Silvestri L., De Carlo F., Mahdi Abaei M. (2021). A Hybrid Multi-Criteria Decision Model (HMCDM) based on AHP and TOPSIS analysis to evaluate Maintenance Strategy. Proceedings of the 33rd European Modeling & Simulation Symposium (EMSS 2021), pp. 396-406. DOI: https://doi.org/10.46354/i3m.2021.emss.054


The aim of the present paper concerns a Hybrid Multi-Criteria Decision Model (HMCDM) to evaluate Maintenance Strategy. In order to improve production performance, in particular system availability and to reduce cost organization, in particular maintenance cost an integrated MCDM approach is proposed. The aim of the proposed method is to suggest the best maintenance solution for industrial systems. The new hybrid model is able to overcame the shortcomings of literature methods, matching Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) with Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS) for the evaluation of maintenance policy. The proposed model has been applied in a real case study in a water bottling company. Different maintenance alternatives were considered and different criteria and sub-criteria were evaluated using Reliability, Availability, Maintainability, Safety (RAMS) and production parameters. The outputs suggested the best maintenance solution for all machines in the analyzed company. The results highlight a Maintenance Cost reduction and a System Availability increase of analyzed water bottling company.


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