Verification of a naval logistics planning simulator prototype

  • John F. Richardson  
  • a Naval Information Warfare Center, 271 Catalina Blvd, San Diego, 92152, United States
Cite as
Richardson J. (2021). Verification of a naval logistics planning simulator prototype.
Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Harbor, Maritime and Multimodal Logistic Modeling & Simulation(HMS 2021), pp. 53-59. DOI:


This paper discusses a verification process for a black box Naval Logistics Simulator developed via DARPA research on optimization techniques. The black Box Naval Logistics simulator that is the Simulator System Under Test (SSUT) is the Composer 1.0 Naval Logistics
Simulator. The Composer naval logistics optimization environment is a simulation tool for optimization of Naval Logistics related to logistics supply, supply prepositioning and risk-aware planning for logistics. Composer is developed currently for cloud environments using Docker Containers for virtualization in the cloud. Composer has fast algorithms to reduce option space and planning. It is currently approximately ten times faster than traditional optimization approaches. Composer has a very sophisticated graphical user interface for creating logistics scenarios that are optimized during simulation runs. Composer was developed as part of the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) Complex Adaptive System Composition and Design Environment (CASCADE) research efforts customized for Navy Distributed Logistics.


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