Risk Management in the Healthcare Facilities: Case Study 

  • Katerina Vichova 
  • Kamil Peterek 
  • Romana Heinzova , 
  • Marek Tomastik
  • a,b,c,d 1Tomas Bata University in Zlín, Faculty of Logistics and Crisis Management, Studentské náměstí 1532, Uherské Hradiště, 686 01,  Czech Republic 
  • Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School, Boston, USA Center for Medical Simulation, Boston, USA
Cite as
Vichova K. , Peterek K. , Heinzova R., Tomastik M. (2021). Risk Management in the Healthcare Facilities: Case Study . Proceedings of the 10th International Workshop on Innovative Simulation for Healthcare (IWISH 2021), pp. 11-16. DOI: https://doi.org/10.46354/i3m.2021.iwish.003


The COVID-19 pandemic has affected the whole world, and we can classify it as a significant disaster in modern history. However, not only a pandemic is the unique disaster that has hit the earth. Due to the increased attention to the pandemic, spent not much attention on the other disasters. There have been forest fires in Australia, floods in Indonesia, volcano eruption in the Philippines, and others in 2020. Several disasters are causing cascading effects that may affect different sectors. Fires or floods are just one of them. The cascade effect can endanger several elements of critical infrastructure, such as the energy sector and healthcare. In healthcare facilities, patients are dependent on electricity supplies. It is therefore essential that the proper functioning of healthcare facilities is maintained. The aim of the paper is to highlight the growing trend in the number of disasters around the world and draw attention to the preparedness of healthcare facilities to solve these disasters. Based on the analysis, we can take the information that there is a big difference in the preparedness of the healthcare facilities to solve a power outage.


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