Improving Operational Procedures to Access Industrial Facilities and Urban Areas during Pandemics

  • Agostino G. Bruzzone ,
  • Marina Massei, 
  • Javier Pernas-Álvarez, 
  • Andrea Reverberi, 
  • Massimo Pedemonte
  • a,b,c,e Simulation Team, via Magliotto, 17100, Savona, Italy
  • DCCI, University of Genoa, Via Dodecaneso 31, 16146 Genova, Italy
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Bruzzone A.G., Massei M., Pernas-Álvarez J., Reverberi A., Pedemonte M. (2021). Improving Operational Procedures to Access Industrial Facilities and Urban Areas during Pandemics. Proceedings of the 10th International Workshop on Innovative Simulation for Healthcare (IWISH 2021), pp. 90-94. DOI:


Management of population crowds and their access to critical infrastructures is crucial to effectively tackle incidents and avert undesirable situations derived from pandemics. To this end, modelling and simulation combined with serious games emerge as a proper tool to train current and future strategic engineers on this subject. Thus, we propose a simulation-based serious game to devise and improve operational procedures and regulations aimed at preventing access to urban areas and key facilities. The multi-platform application considers three different types of game to explore different situations and evaluate user’s proposal to face complex situations. In addition, we are still working on improving user experience and upgrading game mechanics.


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