Several issues related to the logistics field can be recognized as applications of the renowned Traveling Salesman Problem with Time Windows (TSPTW); examples of these issues include, among others, instance planning deliveries, managing internal logistics, bank couriers, material handling, but also production scheduling. In the light of such numerous applications, in this paper a hybrid algorithm based on the Divide-And-Conquer (DAC) technique and the Biased Randomized heuristic Algorithm (BRA) for solving the mentioned problem is presented. The aim is to propose a flexible solution suitable for implementation in many contexts where the TSPTW is relevant, thus improving performance and key indicators. The quality and reliability of the tool are validated on several benchmark problems through a comparison with a different algorithm already proposed in literature. In the light of the simulations carried out, it turned out to be effective and efficient when dealing with problems similar to those that characterize real applications, even in terms of computational time efficiency.
Traveling Salesman Problem | Time Windows | Divide-And-Conquer | Biased Randomized Algorithm | Logistics