Prediction of steel coils mechanical properties and microstructure by using deep learning and advanced data preprocessing techniques

  • Marco Vannucci 
  • Valentina Colla,
  • Claudio Mocci
  • Frenk Van Den Berg,
  • e  Danique Fintelman,
  • f  Haibing Yang
  • a,b,c TeCIP Institute, Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, via Moruzzi 1, 50127, Pisa, Italy
  • d,e,f Tata Steel, PO.Box 10.000, IJmuiden, 1970CA,The Netherlands
Cite as
Vannucci M., Colla V., Mocci C., Van Den Berg F., Fintelman D., Yang H. (2021). Prediction of steel coils mechanical properties and microstructure by using deep learning and advanced data preprocessing techniques. Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Modeling & Applied Simulation (MAS 2021), pp. 111-119. DOI:


In the production of steel strips, the fulfilment of required product properties is a key factor to improve the company’s productivity and competitiveness. Product characteristics can be evaluated online throughout the length of the strip by means of non–destructive tests such as the IMPOC whose output signal is related to mechanical properties and their uniformity. In this work, a novel approach based on the use of deep–neural–networks and advanced analytics is used to develop a model for the prediction of IMPOC signal from process parameters. The model provides plant managers with an insight into the relationships among process conditions, product characteristics and mechanical properties in order to suitably set up process parameters to meet product requirements. In this work, different model architectures and data processing techniques are evaluated leading an overall prediction error lower than 5% that puts the basis for their integration into the plant.


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