Feasibility of An Origami Pattern Folding for Continuous Manufacturing Process

  • Prabhu Muthukrishnan
  • Zbigniew J. Pasek 
  • a,b University Windsor, 401 Sunset Ave., Windsor, ON, N9B 3P4, Canada
Cite as
Muthukrishnan P., Pasek Z.J. (2021). Feasibility of An Origami Pattern Folding for Continuous Manufacturing Process. Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Modeling & Applied Simulation (MAS 2021), pp. 120-126. DOI: https://doi.org/10.46354/i3m.2021.mas.015


The engineering applications of origami have gathered tremendous attention in recent years and resulted in many innovative products. Various aspects of origami exhibit different characteristics based on its specific use: the shape changing aspect is used where size is a constraint, while the structural rigidity aspect is critical for lightweight designs. When polymer or metal sheets are processed to have origami creases, they enable significant improvements in mechanical properties. Such light-weight sandwiched structures find extensive use in, for example, the aerospace industry. The work presented explores a novel approach for the continuous production of these folded textured sheets. The method uses a laser etching setup to mark the sheet with the origami pattern. The pattern is then formed by dies and passes through a funnel-shaped conveyor to complete the final stage of the forming process. A simulation approach was utilized to evaluate the method’s feasibility and assure structural distortions within acceptable range and avoidance of material failure.


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