Unity3D-based Simulation for Operations Management Teaching

  • Javier Pernas-Álvarez 
  • Diego Crespo-Pereira
  • a,b University of A Coruña Campus de Esteiro s/n, Ferrol, 15403, Spain
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Pernas-Álvarez J., Crespo-Pereira D. (2021). Unity3D-based Simulation for Operations Management Teaching. Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Modeling & Applied Simulation (MAS 2021), pp. 136-140. DOI: https://doi.org/10.46354/i3m.2021.mas.017


The use of digital applications as support tools for teaching has opened a new world of possibilities when it comes to applying and consolidating theoretical concepts. Within the field of operations management, game-based learning is still nowadays an innovative approach pending further exploitation. Digitalisation and advances in 3D graphics remove constraints inherent to real world by immersing user in fictional yet realistic simulations. In this paper we present a Unity3D-based 3D simulation of a manufacturing process to be used as case study for the application of operations management concepts and modelling and simulation techniques. Acting as operations manager, the user is responsible for handling material supply, manufacturing orders and product delivery to ultimately increase total profit. As proposed teaching activity, the user must analyse the process by means of a simulation model through which optimise the decision strategy. Finally, she must prove the validity of the devised strategy by implementing it in a final gameplay.


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