Dynamic Problem Solving for Assessment of Strategic Engineering Capabilities

  • Agostino Bruzzone 
  • Marina Massei, 
  • Anna Franca Sciomachen, 
  • Jan Mazal, 
  • Paolo Scotto di Castelbianco, 
  • Elvezia Cepolina
  • a,b,e STRATEGOS, Simulation Team, via Opera Pia 15, 16145 Genova, Italy
  • c,f Strategic Engineering International PhD Program, Genoa University, via F. Vivaldi, 5, 16126 Genova, Italy
  • Simulation Team & DISPO, Genoa University, 16124, Genova, Italy
Cite as
Bruzzone A.G., Massei M., Sciomachen A.F., Mazal J., Scotto di Castelbianco P., Cepolina E. (2021). Dynamic Problem Solving for Assessment of Strategic Engineering Capabilities. Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Modeling & Applied Simulation (MAS 2021), pp. 199-204. DOI: https://doi.org/10.46354/i3m.2021.mas.026


This paper addresses the opportunities provided by Strategic Engineering as well as an innovative model devoted to support assessment of young scientists applying for this educational path; considering the highly trans-disciplinary nature of this discipline and the big requests from Industries and Institutions, the authors developed a simple set of problems to be evaluate candidates and conduct preliminary assessment as well as screening on them. The paper outlines the structure of this approach and the most critical aspects putting in evidence that this approach could be relocated for other positions and that simulation base assessment of capabilities is a promising sector for future developments in education and training.


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