Deploying the Smart Energy Tool for Investment Simulation inside the HUBCAP Sandbox

  • Andreea Badicu 
  • George Iordache 
  • George Suciu 
  • Hugo Daniel Macedo 
  • Claudio Sassanelli
  • Sergio Terzi
  • Peter Gorm Larsen 
  • a,b,c ,BEIA Consult International, 12-22 Peroni Str. District 4, 041386 Bucharest, Romania
  • d,g DIGIT, Aarhus University, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Finlandsgade 22, 8000 Aarhus, Denmark
  • e,f Department of Management, Economics and Industrial Engineering, Politecnico di Milano, Piazza Leonardo da Vinci, 32, 20132 Milan, Italy
Cite as
Badicu A., Iordache G., Suciu G., Macedo H.D., Sassanelli C., Terzi S., Gorm Larsen P. (2021). Deploying the Smart Energy Tool for Investment Simulation inside the HUBCAP Sandbox. Proceedings of the 9th International Workshop on Simulation for Energy, Sustainable Development & Environment (SESDE 2021), pp. 18-26. DOI:


Given its strategic characteristic, the energy management sector is transitioning into a cyber-physical system setting, where digital models, computation and associated tools provide decision support and nd the set-points that optimally control the infrastructure at hand. The transition challenges the experts in the eld that, in addition to the domain complexities, face the additional burden associated with adopting a new tool from the fast paced and ever-changing digital solutions market. To facilitate the adoption of energy management decision support tools and other digital assets, the HUBCAP project developed a cloud-based collaboration platform enabling tool providers to deploy tools in a sandbox, a protected and ready-to-use cloud environment, where users can experiment with candidate assets in a try-before-invest manner. In this paper, we report on research conducted to deploy the Smart Energy Investment Simulation tool into a HUBCAP sandbox. The tool is a cloud asset, so the deployment was straightforward migration between cloud providers, and the outcome was reviewed as positive. We expect that our results facilitate the adoption of other tools and attract other models and stakeholders interested in nding new partners and applications in the energy domain.


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