Serious Game for Project Management applied to Large Constructions Plants in Africa

  • Agostino G. Bruzzone 
  • Alessandro Leto, 
  • Marina Massei, 
  • Javier Pernas-Álvarez, 
  • Paolo di Bella
  • Michele Turi
  • a,c Simulation Team, SIM4Future, via Trento 43, 16145 Genova, Italy
  • Water Academy SRC, Via Nassa 62, 6901 Lugano, Switzerland
  • Simulation Team, via Magliotto, 17100 Savona, Italy
Cite as
Bruzzone A.G., Leto A., Massei M., Pernas-Álvarez J., di Bella P., Turi M. (2021). Serious Game for Project Management applied to Large Constructions Plants in Africa. Proceedings of the 9th International Workshop on Simulation for Energy, Sustainable Development & Environment (SESDE 2021), pp. 75-79. DOI:


The high degree of complexity inherent to large construction plants demands skilled project managers able to take crucial decisions from planning phase to project commissioning. Stakeholders’ interests must be attended without losing sight of project objectives, so a deep understanding of our reactions and the capacity to anticipate the outcomes of our actions are key to succeeding in this challenging venture. Under the umbrella of Modelling, Interoperable Simulation and Serious Games paradigm (M2SG), we have developed a serious game devoted to dealing with a large construction project in a complex environment, such as a water infrastructure in Africa. By considering, construction and project management aspects along with stakeholders’ intelligent behaviour, user is asked to deal with stochastic events and tackle critical decisions that may put the project at stake. Their performance is eventually assessed by means of key performance indicators so they can restart the game over and over to improve their skills.


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