ISIDOR: Analysing the Consequences of an Extensive and Prolonged Internet Outage with System Dynamics

  • Larissa Schachenhofer  ,
  • Manfred Gronalt,
  • Patrick Hirsch 
  • a,b,c  Institute of Production and Logistics, Department of Economics and Social Sciences, University of Natural
    Resources and Life Sciences Vienna, Feistmantelstraße 4, 1180 Vienna, Austria
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Schachenhofer L., Gronalt M., and Hirsch P., (2022).,ISIDOR: Analysing the Consequences of an Extensive and Prolonged Internet Outage with System Dynamics. Proceedings of the 12th International Defense and Homeland Security Simulation Workshop (DHSS 2022). , 003 . DOI:
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Our society is characterized by a high degree of digitalization as well as an increasing dependency on information and communication technology. Yet, redundancies in the critical infrastructure network are reduced for reasons of efficiency, which leads to a decreased system robustness, while internet outages and cyber threats are on the rise. This research is part of the research project ISIDOR, which aims to examine the consequences of a long-lasting and large-scale restriction of internet-based services or infrastructure. In contrary to cyber security related studies, the study at hand analyses the time span from the occurrence of an outage event. The methodology of System Dynamics is applied to create Causal Loop Diagrams, which visualize the cascade effects that are likely to occur during an outage event. The key findings expected from the research are the detection of relevant cause-effect relationships in respect to extensive internet outages. The value of the work is expected to consist of the identification of areas of activity, that should be strengthened in the future and to raise awareness in that field. The aim is to generate knowledge on how to deal with the complexity of interconnected crises in an informed manner. 


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