Simulating actors’ behaviors within terrorist attacks
scenarios based on a multi-agent system

  • Oussama Kebir  ,
  • Issam Nouaouri,
  • Lilia Rejab, 
  • Lamjed Ben Said 
  • a,c,d Université de Tunis, Institut Supérieur de Gestion, SMART-LAB, Tunisia
  • Université Artois, UR 3926, LGI2A, 62400 Béthune, France
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Kebir O., , Nouaouri I., , Rejeb L., and Ben Said L. (2022).,Simulating actors' behaviors within terrorist attacks scenarios based on a multi-agent system. Proceedings of the 12th International Defense and Homeland Security Simulation Workshop (DHSS 2022). , 004 . DOI:
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Terrorist attacks entail significant social costs, especially for citizens and government forces. It is therefore necessary to explore the possible processes of the terrorist attack scenarios. In this work, the agent-based model is applied to explore the dynamics of a terrorist attack unfolding under specified assumptions. Parameter traversal and repeated scenarios’ simulations are also exploited to obtain robust results and to study the impact of the different agents, as well as their effects on the attacks’ progress along on the number of assaults. By exploiting our knowledge on the military field, we propose, in this paper, different activity diagrams for modeling the behaviors of four main agents: Population agent, Governmental force agent, Basic terrorist agent, and Intelligent terrorist agent. In fact, terrorist attacks scenarios have been simulated to study the impact of the presence of intelligence terrorist attacks comparing to that of basic terrorist attacks.


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