Using HLPC for parallelization of autonomous tests of WEB applications from its GUI

  • Mario Rossainz-López ,
  • Jesús A. Islas-Fuentes ,
  • Ivo Pineda-Torres ,
  • Manuel Capel-Tuñón
  • a,b,c   Faculty of Computer Science, Autonomous University of Puebla, Av. San Claudio and 14 Sur Street, San Manuel,
    Puebla, México, C.P. 72570
  • Software Engineering Department, College of Informatics and Telecommunications ETSIIT, University of
    Granada, Daniel Saucedo Aranda s/n, Granada 18071, Spain
Cite as
Rossainz M., Islas Fuentes J.A., Pineda Torres I. H., and Capel Tuñón M. I. (2022).,Using HLPC for parallelization of autonomous tests of WEB applications from its GUI. Proceedings of the 34th European Modeling & Simulation Symposium (EMSS 2022). , 003 . DOI:


A proposal for parallelization of autonomous tests of Web applications from its graphical user interface (GUI) is presented to reduce its execution time since these increases exponentially due to the number of combinations that are generated with the different states of the fields, of the forms on the web application pages by creating a tree-like structure. It is proposed to use the model of high-level parallel compositions or HLPC as a suitable model of semi-automatic parallelization that defines a Treelike structure as a communication pattern between processes. The proposed HLPC, which we call HLPC-Tree, uses reinforcement learning that associates each node of the process tree as a slave object using the Q-Learning (QL) algorithm and achieves autonomous recognition of the fields of the forms and valid-invalid options to identify failures and display them with HTTP status codes. In addition, the Mechanize library is used to find the number of possible combinations through the states of the fields of the forms and to know how many nodes are generated at each level of the process tree in the HLPC-Tree when it grows in depth. Finally, the performance analysis of the proposed HLPC is shown with an analysis of the speedup and execution times in an 8-core machine to demonstrate good scalability in its accelerations compared to Amdahl's Law.


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