Complex adaptive systems(CAS)are constituted by large number of components called agents,wichlearn, adapt and interact.Supply chain has beenconceptualized, modelled and simulatedas CAS by many authors.Despite the existing studies onsimulation of supply chain asCASthe present study aims to fill a gap,because it proposes a hybrid simulation model of supplychain as CAS (Discrete-Event Simulation and Agent-Based Modelling and Simulation) using AnylogicTMsoftware to analyze themicro mechanisms that influence on the service time measured at macro level. Although previous researchers conductedsimulation studies into the supply chain asCAS,they all focused on applying agent-based simulation approachonly.First,theliterature review on modelling and simulation of supply chain as CAS is developed.Second, ahybrid simulation model of supplychain as CAS (Discrete-Event Simulation and Agent-Based Modelling and Simulation) is implemented using AnylogicTMsoftwareand presented.Third, the simulation results are analyzed in Section 4.Finally, the concluding remarks are drawnin Section 5.Results gave us the opportunity to observe and measure impact of limited capacityoffacilitiesand its dynamics depending ondemand flows.