Geographical simulation-optimization system for solving subway complex emergency problems

  • Adrián Gutiérrez Gómez,
  • Aida Huerta Barrientos 
  • a   Faculty of Engineering,UNAM,Ciudad Universitaria,Mexico City,04510,México.
  • b   Faculty of Engineering & Centro de Ciencias de la Complejidad,Ciudad Universitaria,Mexico City,04510,México
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Gutiérrez Gómez A., and Huerta Barrientos A. (2022).,Geographical simulation-optimization system for solving subway complex emergency problems. Proceedings of the 34th European Modeling & Simulation Symposium (EMSS 2022). , 005 . DOI:


Complex emergency problems are presentedin the Mexico City subwaydue to the breakdown in the train, specifically wheel flatcausingthe movement ofemergency vehicles and firementhat need toselect the shortest path from their location to the subwaystation where the incident is presented.A large number of existing studies in the broader literature have examined the use ofoptimization techniques to solve the problem of emergencies at subway stations applying the shortest path algorithm andintegrating GIS. However, the contributions based on simulation optimization techniques with GIS for solving such problem arelimited. This paper addresses the need to establish a framework for a geographical simulation and optimization system thatintegrates ABMS, GIS, and Dijkstra´s algorithm for solving complex path optimization problems, such as the optimal routefinding to support fire emergency service at subway stations and the movement of emergency vehicles, so far lacking in thescientific literature. This system can be used to optimize and simulate a variety of emergency situations at subway stations anddesign anticipatory scenarios to improve response.First,we present the literature review about the use of optimizationalgorithms for subway emergency and ABMS used to investigate the dynamic of subway in emergency cases.Secondtheframework for a geographical simulation and optimization system is formulated and implemented using NetlogoTM. Third, thesimulation results are analyzed. Finally, the concluding remarksand directions for future research are drawn.


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