Multi-Criteria Simulation Evaluation for Manual Order-Picking Warehouse Design

  • Safwan Altarazi ,
  • Maysa Ammouri
  • a,b  Department of Industrial Engineering, German Jordanian University, 35247Amman, 11180, Jordan
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Altarazi S., and Ammouri M. (2022).,Multi-Criteria Simulation Evaluation for Manual-Order-Picking Warehouse Design. Proceedings of the 34th European Modeling & Simulation Symposium (EMSS 2022). , 010 . DOI:


Simulation has been widely adopted by researchers in assessing warehouse design and deciding its suitability. Using simulation, the current study presents a multi-criteria evaluation approach for manual-order-picking warehouse design. Three evaluation dimensions are considered: cycle time, space utilization, and resource productivity. The results showed that design’s selection decisions are criterion-dependent. Nevertheless, the following design attributes indicated a comparatively better performance in the cycle time and space utilization criteria: traditional or fishbone layouts, low flow, standard operational policies, large
manpower, and small warehouse size. For better resource utilization, traditional or fishbone layout, high flow, standard operational policies, low manpower, and large size are recommended


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