A novel validation approach for validating the simulation model of a passengers' airport terminal: case study Palma de Mallorca airport

  • Paolo Scala ,
  • Miguel Mujica Mota,
  • Juan Blasco-Puyuelo,
  • Olivia Garcia-Cantu,
  • Carlos Blasco
  • a  Amsterdam School of International Business-Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences, Fraijlemaborg 133, Amsterdam, 1102CV, The Netherlands
  • Aviation Academy-Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences, Weesperzijde 190, Amsterdam, 1097DZ, The Netherlands
  • c,d,e Nommon Solutions and Technologies, Pl. de Carlos Trias Bertran 4, Madrid, 28020, Spain
Cite as
Scala P., Mujica M., Blasco-Puyuelo J., Garcia-Cantu O., and Blasco C. (2022).,A novel validation approach for validating the simulation model of a passengers' airport terminal: case study Palma de Mallorca airport. Proceedings of the 34th European Modeling & Simulation Symposium (EMSS 2022). , 012 . DOI: https://doi.org/10.46354/i3m.2022.emss.012


In this paper we propose a novel approach for validating a simulation model for a passengers' airport terminal. The validation approach is based on a "historical data" and "model-to-model" validation approach, and the novelty is represented by the fact that the model used as comparison uses historical data from different data sources and technologies. The proposed validation approach , which is presented as part of the IMHOTEP project, implements various data fusion and data analytics methods to generate the passenger "Activity-Travel-Diary", which is the model that is then compared with the results from the simulation model. The data used for developing the "Activity-Travel-Diary" comes from different sources and technologies such as: passengers’ data (personal mobile phone, apps), airport data (airport Wi-Fi, GPS, scanning facilities), and flight Information (flight schedules, gate allocation etc.). The simulation model is based on an agent-based simulation paradigm and includes all the passengers flows and operations within a terminal airport. The proposed validation approach is implemented in a real-life case study, Palma de Mallorca Airport. A statistical and visual validation process was conducted, showing that the simulation model was accurately representing the different areas of the airport terminal, when compared to the “Activity-Trave-Diary” model.


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