Recent trends in using machine learning and Twitter data for disaster management

  • Maria Drakaki ,
  • Vasileios Linardos,
  • Panagiotis Tzionas
  • a,b International Hellenic University, Department of Science and Technology, University Center of International
    Programmes of Studies, 14th km Thessaloniki–N. Moudania, Thermi, 57001, Greece
  • International Hellenic University Department of Industrial Engineering and Management, P.O. Box 141,
    Thessaloniki, 57400, Greece
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Drakaki M., Linardos V., and Tzionas P. (2022).,Recent trends in using machine learning and Twitter data for disaster management. Proceedings of the 34th European Modeling & Simulation Symposium (EMSS 2022). , 013 . DOI:


The impacts of disasters are devastating on the local communities and ecosystems. Recent advances in machine learning (ML)  including deep learning (DL) can cope with the complexity of disasters and have been used to develop methods that provide  effective solutions in all phases of disaster management. Furthermore; social media plays a critical role in communicating  disaster related information before and after a disaster strikes. ML and DL are being increasingly used to mine information from  social media data and especially Twitter data. This paper aims to provide the recent trends in this field by focusing on recent research studies presenting ML and DL based methods that leverage information posted on Twitter for disaster management.
The identified methods have been developed to provide solutions in the areas of disaster detection, damage assessment and post-disaster response.


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