Model Verification in Graph Databases and its Application in Neo4j

  • Christoph Praschl ,
  • Andreas Pointner,
  • Oliver Krauss,
  • Emmanuel Helm,
  • Andreas Schuler
  • a,b,c,d,e  University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria, Hagenberg i. M., Austria
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Praschl C., Pointner A., Krauss O., Helm E.and Schuler A. (2022).,Model Verification in Graph Databases and its Application in Neo4j. Proceedings of the 34th European Modeling & Simulation Symposium (EMSS 2022). , 020 . DOI:


This work introduces a concept for rule based model verification using a graph database on the example of Neo4j and its query language Cypher. An approach is provided that allows to define verification rules using a graph query language to detect transformation errors within a given domain model. The approach is presented based on a running example, showing its capability of detecting randomly generated errors in a transformation process. Additionally, the method’s performance is evaluated using multiple subsets of the IMDb movie data with a maximum of 17,000,000 nodes and 41,000,000 relationships. This performance evaluation is carried out in comparison to the Object Constraint Language, showing advantages in the context of highly connected datasets with a high number of nodes. Another benefit is the utilization of a well established graph database as verification tool without any need for re-implementing graph and pattern matching logic.


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