Strategies for Semi-Automated Registration of Historic Aerial Photographs Utilizing Street and Roof Segmentations as Durable Landmarks

  • Gerald A. Zwettler ,
  • b  Yuta Ono,
  • Michael Stradner,
  •  Christoph Praschl
  • a,c,d Research Group Advanced Information Systems and Technology, Research and Development Department, University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria
  • Graduate School of Software and Information Science, Iwate Prefectural University Japan
  • Department of Software Engineering, School of Informatics, Communications and Media, University of Applied
    Sciences Upper Austria
Cite as
Zwettler G., Ono Y., Stradner M.and Praschl C. (2022).,Strategies for Semi-Automated Registration of Historic Aerial Photographs Utilizing Street and Roof Segmentations as Durable Landmarks. Proceedings of the 34th European Modeling & Simulation Symposium (EMSS 2022). , 028 . DOI:


Historical and current aerial photographs are only of great value if the geolocation or address of the photographed areas is also available. In Western Europe, especially Austria, Germany and Czech Republic, there is a market for the sale of aerial photographs of one’s own private residential building. Automated geolocation is a feasible way to enable the sales agents to assign the addresses for the sale more quickly. In the course of this research work, a process chain is modeled that allows the assignment of aerial photographs to residential addresses using machine vision. After model-based rectifying the aerial images to compensate for perspective distortions, larger image blocks get assembled using image stitching. The assignment to a 2D reference map, such as satellite imagery via Google Maps, is done by applying a U-Net CNN after extracting durable image features such as roads or buildings. The mapping of aerial imagery to two-dimensional cartography is either automated via registration approaches or based on manually placed corresponding landmarks and homography. Test runs on imagery between the years 1969 and 2020 show that the labor-intensive process of geolocation of aerial imagery can be solved by the proposed process model in a hybrid way.


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